Acupuncture Clinic in Calamvale 针灸治疗
What is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is a well established Chinese method to treat medical conditions. Western trained doctors use it as an extra therapeutic tool to provide alternate treatment for ailments.
How acupuncture works
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised since 2,700 BC for over 4,000 years. Treatments of illness by acupuncture relies on balancing the individual’s Vital energy or Qi between two opposite phases called Yin and Yang. Acupuncture facilitates the flow of Qi along several well-defined energy channels in the body to help it health and restores the person to normal health
Modern research has shown there are sound scientific bases to acupuncture. Reports from the World health Organisation and the National Health & Medical research Council in 1988, as well as several recent reviews published, support this view. Acupuncture is most effective when used as early as possible in the course of the medical problem after appropriate medical diagnosis.
What can acupuncture clinic in Calamvale treat?
- Musculoskeletal problems
-Shoulder pain
-Neck pain
-arm pain(tennis elbow, carpal tunnel)
-Back pain and sciatica
-Hip pain
-Knee pain
-Feet pain(Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis)
- Menstrual pains
- Migraines / headaches
- Colitis, irritable bowel syndrome
- Cystitis
- Stress, anxiety, depression
- Womens health eg infertility, irregular periods, Post menopausal symptoms
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Insomnia
- Lethargy
- Allergies conditions eg Asthma, dermatitis, allergic rhinosinusitis
- Ear conditions :vertigo
General information about acupuncture
Our acupuncture clinic in Calamvale with services suitable for people of all ages. We only use single use, sterile disposable needles. It is advisable to tell the doctor if you are scared of needles. Children are able to have acutherapy with special lasers rather than needles.
Is it painful?
Fine needles are inserted through the skin at acupuncture points. Patients often just feel a slight prick and then a discomfort which often indicates that the treatment is working.
The condition must be accurately diagnosed before acupuncture can be administered
Are there any side effects to acupuncture?
Generally, acupuncture is very low risk. Common side effects : pain, discomfort at the site, minor bleeding upon needle removal.
Uncommon side effects : drowsiness, nerve irritation, fainting.
Some symptoms may worsen after treatment. However , progressive improvement usually follows after each treatment thereafter.
Advice to patients undergoing acupuncture treatment.
Treatment is given only if relevant after a medical review. Before attending an appointment , the patient should avoid rushing around and/ or having a large meal. Please avoid alcohol or excessive coffee either before or after treatment. A short period of rest or relaxation after treatment enhances the response to acupuncture.
Please wear loose clothes that allow easy access to the arms and legs e.g. shirt and shorts.
After a successful response to a treatment course, occasional boosters may be needed to maintain the patient in good health or free from pain. The doctor will advise if it is necessary.
a small out of pocket fee applies to acupuncture, please discuss this with Dr Tang